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责任编辑:杨馥瑞 2023/12/07    点击:[]


4罗  琳Frontiers in public healthValidity Evaluation of the College Student Physical Literacy Questionnaire2022,10.2022.05一作SSCI
5曾晓进Frontiers in PsychologyThe Impact of Coding Levels of Magnitude and of Spatial-Direction on the Spatial–Numerical Association of Response Codes Effect of Negative Numbers2022,13.2022.05一作SSCI
6罗  琳Frontiers in public healthInfluencing Factors of Students Aged 10–20 Non-participating in Home Physical Exercise During the COVID-19 Isolation Policy Period: A Cross-Sectional Study From China2022,10.2022.06一作SSCI
7黄江林北方民族大学学报 民国体育教育家谢似颜体育思想研究2022(04)2022.07一作北大核心
8罗  琳Frontiers in Public HealthThe effects of health insurance and physical exercise participation on life satisfaction of older people in China—Based on CHNS panel data from 2006 to 20152022,10.2022.08一作SSCI
9罗  琳Frontiers in public healthEvaluation of the validity of the physical exercise peer support questionnaire for college students2022,10.2022.08一作SSCI
10周  燚中国老年学杂志低氧运动改善实验性糖尿病大鼠糖脂代谢2022,42(16)2022.08一作北大核心
11罗  琳International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthThe Associations between Meeting 24-Hour Movement Guidelines (24-HMG) and Self-Rated Physical and Mental Health in Older Adults—Cross Sectional Evidence from China2022,19(20): 13407.2022.10一作SSCI
12曾晓进Frontiers in PsychologyValidity evaluation of teacher’s core literacy questionnaire of public physical education2022,13.2022.10一作SSCI
13袁俊锋Frontiers in Psychology-Educational PsychologyValidation of the Physical Education Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale (PETJSS) among physical education teachers in urban primary and secondary schools in China2022,13.2022.11一作SSCI
14刘转青体育学刊双减”背景下社会组织参与中小学体育治理的逻辑、困境与理路 2023,30(01)2023.01一作CSSCI
16罗  琳Frontiers in PsychologyThe association between meeting physical activity guidelines and academic performance among junior high school adolescents in China-evidence from the China education tracking survey14:10028392023.02通讯作者SSCI
18董如豹Brain and BehaviorChanges in physical activity level of adolescents and its relationship with mental health during regular COVID-19 prevention and control2023,13(09)2023.06一作SCI
20王  竞SOFT COMPUTINGAnalyzing the feature extraction of football player's offense action using machine vision,big data,and internet of things27,10905-10920(2023)2023.06一作SCI
22覃  立广州365体育手机版app下载学报国外学者运用贝叶斯方法研究运动训练与竞赛的述评2023,112023.11一作北大核心


上一条:我院刘转青教授在体育类权威期刊《体育科学》上发表研究论文 下一条:2022--2023年学院教师科研项目立项、结项汇总
